Yes, there are many frequently asked questions. Hopefully this should help answer one or many of yours!
Do you offer multi-day rentals, or the ability to keep the boat overnight?
Yes, we do. We have a discount system for multi-day rentals. The first day is full price, the second is 10%, the 3rd day is 20%, etc. And no, after a 10 days you cannot keep the boat for free. We also allow overnight rentals, if you have safe moorage for the boat.
What kind of experience do I need?
We ask that whomever is driving the boat be a savy operator. Of course every boat is different and we spend the time with you to ensure you understand everything onboard and go through all navigation with you before you leave the dock. So yes, some experience required.
Do you require a deposit?
No, we do not. Once you make your reservation we will ask you for a credit/debit card number and we will simply hold the number without charge. No charges will be applied until you return with the boat. We DO have a cancellation policy of 48 hours, so PLEASE notify us if you have to cancel for any reasons other than severe weather.
Do you have boundaries? If so, can we request to go out of them?
Yes we do have boundaries, and yes we do grant special permission to go out of them. Upon those requests we do normally require local knowledge of the waters and a higher level of operator experience (for example, a trip to Sucia Island).